comune loano primavera 2024

La Vibram Maremontana, la festa rinascimentale, il Fil e la “Notte in Bianco” con Giusy Ferreri: a Loano fioriscono gli eventi di primavera

La Vibram Maremontana, la festa rinascimentale che celebra “Il ritorno dei Doria”, il Festival Internazionale di Loano, il Triathlon Sprint e la “Notte in Bianco”; e poi arte di strada, […]

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Loano Sport


Sport inland

For those who love nature excursions, Loano offers itineraries to discover the hinterland. Activities: trekking, paragliding, climbing, mountain biking, trial “Loano not only sea” walks inland Info: CAI section of […]

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Loano Attiva


Outdoor sports

Multipurpose outdoor pitch in Via San Giuseppe Free use during the hours allowed by the municipal regulation Basketball court in Via Isonzo Free use during the hours allowed by the […]

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Loano Attiva


Breathtaking views in the hinterland

Like the most characteristic Ligurian landscape, in Loano, the coastal plain gives way to the typical hilly terrace landscape. This allows you to alternate days at sea with walks in […]

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Loano natura


Borgio Verezzi caves

Very suggestive are the caves of Borgio Verezzi for the color of the rock that goes from red to yellow tones. This is due to the presence of ferrous minerals.

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Loano Culturale


Ethnographic Museum of the Varatella Valley and Caves of Toirano

The well-preserved medieval historic center of Toirano is worth a visit, where the Val Varatella Ethnographic Museum is set up, which tells the story of the ancient crafts of the […]

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A walk in the ancient medieval center of Albenga

A walk through the towers of the ancient medieval center of Albenga offers the opportunity to visit the Ingauno Civic Museum, the Roman Naval Museum, the Diocesan Museum of sacred […]

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Loano Culturale


Tower clock museum “G. B. Bergallo “

In the old town hall of Bardino Nuovo, above Tovo San Giacomo, there is the Museum of the tower clock “G. B. Bergallo ”, where monumental watchmaking pieces from a […]

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Loano Culturale


Glass art Museum of Altare

For those who love crafts, a visit to Altare, the most important Ligurian center for the continuity of the glassmaking activity from the Middle Ages to the present day, is […]

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Loano Culturale